CSR 2020-01-12T19:23:34+00:00



ACE Emergency Response Service

ACE Emergency Response Service is providing Free of Cost 24*7*365 emergency medical treatment to such medical emergencies, wherein 80% deaths in the hospitals occur during the first hour of admission (called Golden Hour) due to lack of timely emergency medical treatment.

Emergency patients being provided the timely emergency medical treatment. includes Cardiac, Diabetes, Respiratory, Epilepsy, Burns, Pregnancy related, Neonatal, Pediatric, Snake/ Animal bite, Road accidents, other accidents e.g. train & non-vehicular trauma, Suicides, Drowning, Poisoning, Assault & other cases.

Any person in need of medical emergency help can dial 1800-1800-009. The emergency site is immediately identified and an ambulance nearest to the site rushes to the victim. Incase of critical patients the paramedic sends all vitals of the patients including ECG to the Emergency Response Centre Physicians. The Doctor at the Emergency Response Centre advises the most appropriate medical course of action and continuously monitors the treatment. you could look here for more details.

The average response time from receipt of call to place of victim/ incident is 8-10 minutes in urban areas and 14- 16 minutes in rural areas.

The paramedic in the ambulance can send all vitals including ECG to the Emergency Response Centre Physicians. The Doctors at the Emergency Response Centre has access to take instant photograph of patient in the ambulance in order to advise the most appropriate medical course of action.

The model caters to address cases of multi casually incidents. In case of emergency involving medical legal aspect/fire accident, information of the case is instantaneously shared with Police/Fire Department as applicable.

The Life Saving Ambulance is equipped with

  • Defibrillator for cardiac patients
  • Ventilator for respiratory disease
  • Suction Machine for airways cleaning
  • Spine Board for respiratory disease
  • Pulse Oxymeter for monitoring pulse
  • Emergency Medicines
  • Camera fitted in the ambulance.
  • Automatic Vehicle Location Tracking(AVLT) for online tracking & control of ambulance
  • Extrication Kit



ACE Pathology Laboratory

ACE Pathology Laboratory is providing pathology laboratory tests facility at subsidized rates of approximately 30% of the market rates to over 25 lacs population of Faridabad and Palwal districts. All the investigations are carried out with respect to Hematology, Biochemistry, Na/K/Cl, Urine, ESR, Specialized Tests- B12, D13, Thyroid, Hormones; HBA1C with the help of state of art equipment as follows:-

  • Elisa Reader Lisa Scan. For Vitamin-D, Vitamin B-12, Free Thyroid, FSH, LH, Prolactin, Beta HCG, PSA and Insulin.
  • Easy lyte plus. For Sodium, Potassium and Chloride.
  • Ves Matic Easy ESR Analyzer. For ESR.
  • Nyco Card. For HB- A1C.
  • Hematology Analyzer SYSMEX XP-100. For HB, RBC, PCV,MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, TLC, DLC, PLATELETS, MPV, PDW and PLCR.
  • Biochemistry Analyzer ERBA CHEM- 7. For Lipid Profile, Kidney Function Test, Liver Function Test, Cpk Mb, Amylase ,Lipase, PIT, APTT, Blood Sugar, Calcium and Phosphorous.
  • Urine Analyzer LAURA. For Leukocytes, PH, Specific Gravity, Protein, Keytones Urobilinogen and Bilirubin.